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Tennis Besançon
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De Besançon ou d'ailleurs,sans se prendre la tête.

On est la pour les fameux pronostic :-D Objectif du groupe, on peux espérer ^^ TOP 10 (pour commencer lol ) :-D
Շբթ 30
Reaper joined the group
Կրկ 6
Lucky left the group
Ուր 4
Reaper left the group
Հնգ 9
adri left the group
Ուր 3
adri joined the group
Չրք 6
JackOneill joined the group
Ուր 25
Kevin Boudjenane joined the group
Չրք 23
MarieFederer joined the group
Հնգ 3
paulo02 left the group
Հնգ 3
paulo02 joined the group
Երկ 31
bakara joined the group
Ուր 14
NovakTennis left the group
Ուր 14
NovakTennis joined the group
Ուր 7
Karim Boudali joined the group
Հնգ 15
Lucky joined the group
Երք 30
lagaf joined the group
Երք 30
Reaper has created the group
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